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AbelsonTaylor’s Jeff Berg Named to PharmaVOICE 100

4August, 2014

Citing his “unique blend of medical knowledge, curiosity and pragmatism,” PharmaVOICE magazine has named Jeff Berg, senior vice president and director of client services at AbelsonTaylor, one of the 100 most inspiring people in the life sciences for 2014.

The honor was announced in the July-August issue of the magazine, which each year recognizes top leaders in all areas of the life sciences. Drawing from thousands of reader nominations, PharmaVOICE selected this year’s honorees based on their leadership and contributions to innovation and positive change. Berg was recognized in the category of top marketers.

“Jeff Berg has exactly what it takes to deftly oversee client services in healthcare marketing,” said Taren Grom, editor of PharmaVOICE. “It’s a role that requires scientific knowledge, an understanding of strategies and channels, and collaboration and effective function across teams. Mr. Berg is one of those rare individuals who can juggle all of these skills with ease and grace.”

Grom also noted that Berg, who holds a Ph.D. in pharmacology from the University of Minnesota, is adept at understanding and simplifying complex technical concepts and communicating them in ways understandable to diverse audiences. This clarity of thought and language helped AbelsonTaylor launch some of the most successful direct-to-consumer campaigns of the past five years, including the “Golf Match” campaign with professional golfer Phil Mickelson and the “Mirror Image” campaign for a prescription acne medication.

Another aspect of Berg’s leadership cited by PharmaVOICE is his belief that innovation is key to business success. As part of AbelsonTaylor’s executive leadership team, he plays a vital role in expanding the agency’s presence in the broader consumer health and wellness market and in developing new standards in project management as the agency’s digital offerings continue to grow.

On the personal front, the editors were struck by the quality of relationships Berg builds both with clients and colleagues. “Clients say he is a calming force during rough times and a counselor and friend during calm times,” they wrote. Within AbelsonTaylor, he strives to understand what motivates those he works with and find ways of providing the opportunities and support to keep them engaged and happy.

“Being named to the PharmaVOICE 100 is a great honor and I thank everyone who played a role in my selection,” Berg said. “I also want to thank the editors of PharmaVOICE for focusing attention on leadership in the life sciences and reminding us that the industry is making significant progress in meeting the challenges of the new healthcare environment.”

To read the article from PharmaVOICE, click on the following link:

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